Friday, February 26, 2010

Tempting fate?

This goes beyond tempting fate. At this point I believe I am spitting in the devil's eye, laughing in the face of Death, poking a sleeping bear. Or... I am just not scared by it anymore; I have pissed off the psycho on the train for another time!

I was preparing my stuff to get up and leave the train as we pulled into LA Union Station... and there he was. Making some women very uncomfortable. Ignoring their pleas to "just leave."

At this point I have lost all pretenses at being politic.

I simply call across the train car. "hey... yes you. What is your damage? I ask again, because you never answered last time I asked you if you were dropped as a child. You don't seem to comprehend that when you STAY after someone asks you politely to leave, it just makes everyone but you feel awkward. The nice lady asked you to leave. It can be hard when you have an IQ of less than 30, but try to understand..."

At that point I stopped because he had left the train car and couldn't hear me anymore. The women thanked me, and I told them to tell the conductor next time, because he knows about the psycho and will help.

I hate to think what that man does when I am not around... what a freak...


brandonjw said...

Just don't turn your back to him, Jeff. Keep your awareness up. :)

The Henries said...

Cope- You going to get your self killed! But by doing so it sounds like you will have saved many others- you really are a super hero arnt you?!?!

Unknown said...

meh. I have just given up on being concerned about this guy. I should probably improve my 'situational awareness' and start doing martial arts again...

as for saving others... I don't know if my death will have saved them. ;)
But of COURSE I am a superhero!