Friday, February 19, 2010

This is epic and belongs here.

This is a re-post from Jeffs Gameblog. But it sounds just like conversations that my wife and I have about dressing Hudson up as Batman. Below is the conversation that Jeff had with his wife, I believe that his daughter needs to meet my son.

actual conversation, moments ago

Me: Is Elizabeth [our daughter] dressed?

My wife: Yes, but I'm getting her a different pair of pants.

Me: What's wrong with the pants I got her?

My wife: Nothing. It's just that they're purple and don't go with the green shirt.

Me: Green and purple always go together in the comics.

My wife: Yes, but our daughter isn't the Joker.

1 comment:

Jesse Thorn said...

That is totally fantastic!! The fact that she knew that the joker wore purple and green is pretty good too. I give her two thumbs up.