Wednesday, February 20, 2008

who are these people?

i keep getting spam email. i assume that most people do. however, i have a slight case of OCD that requires me to read the title of every single email sent to me, regardless of which folder it is in. this means that i have met (somehow) over 40+ Russian girls that are bored in a coffee shop and "found" my email. and somehow i am such a masculine figure in their imaginings that they want to know if i am up for some (i assume once again) casual sex. i have lost count how many people are looking to help me out by increasing the size of my unit. this seems counter intuitive because of all the russian girls that want me. but incase i am not wanting in these two departments, i have many phone and internet job offers ($5000 a week! how can i resist?!?)

all of these i think are rather standard, but i got one today that just made me stop and wonder "who are these people? and why do they think someone would want this?"

it was an offer for a free "hands on" sex lesson from a real life Porn star. my mind took a few minutes to process that information... before any of you ask, no, i don't know who he/she was. (Devine could be a guy or girl i think... but what do i know?). it was marketed as a relationship help... somehow your partner, that you would be cheating on, is supposed to find this both a "turn on" and see you as willing to improve your relationship... call me crazy, but i don't see infidelity as beneficial to ones relationship.

i think the world is a stranger place than i once thought it was...


Bags said...

Come on man, everyone knows that Russians like 'em small... and you like the foreign girls.

Unknown said...

Good point...good point.