Friday, February 15, 2008

strangest dream

i truely hope that no one that reads this takes it the wrong way... but i dreamed that i ended up working in the finance department for Playboy Inc. but wait! it gets stranger. apparently Heff and i become very good friends. so good, that he actually meets my wife and kids (i had FIVE with another on the way, holy crap!) i end up being a influence so that he ends up marrying Holly and breaking up with Brittany and Kendra. and then he and Holly even get baptised into the LDS church.

Strange? Very. Possible? um... no man knows the mind or will of the Creator of all things. but, i do think it would be a huge victory! lol!

i also think that my wife needs to stop watching "the Girls Next Door" cause it is messing with my head...


Bags said...

A lot of guys would kill for a wife who watched that show...

Eric James said... wife loves that show..and then asks me questions about which is hotter when...and did i like it when she did that...Trust careful what you wish for bags...

On another note...her name is Bridgette not Brittany (freudian slip i presume...hmmm Jeff?)