Wednesday, December 31, 2008

you can't kill the METAL

I just have to say that i love being a dad.

when Hudson came out of the womb, he didn't cry. not a sound. but i knew he was mine because he gave the doctor a very distinct 'Cope scowl.' they rushed him to a warming table where the nurses put a cold thermometer in his armpit. no sound. but a look that very much said: i don't like that, remove it at once! then they had to prick his heel to check his blood sugar. again, no sound. but the look that he gave the nurse actually stopped her for a second and she looked at me! (as though i have some sort of influence over this child! i couldn't even talk him into coming out on time...)

I was beginning to worry that my son would be a mute, because he didn't make any sounds other than sneezes for the first few hours of life. (we learned that he can scream... yes he can...)

but i learned the true extent of my son's status as a BAMF, when the pediatrician came back from the circumcision and informed us that he hadn't made a sound. my son is a straight up HARDCORE, METAL puma.

those of you that REALLY know me, will know how proud this story made me!


Bags said...

Your son can't feel his dingy and you want me to be excited for you? Oooh kay.

Erin said...

What can I say? When they tell you that you will get a child like you (a.k.a. that you deserve) there is no way to fathom the multiple ways in which that can be true. Sounds like the little guy will get along with you just fine. ;)