Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What are you talking about GB?

Some one please help me. Why is this even an issue? The US census is part of the Constitution. It has been around since freaking 1790. Bachmann is a retard and I am questioning the intelligence of the people who voted her into office. She doesn't want *further* government intrusion? This is not further at all, the Patriot act was intrusive, but this is just par for the last 2 centuries or so.

To answer some of the questions that were posed:

Yes, the government needs to know how many people are in an area in order to determine not only Federal funding allocations, but also how many seats will be in the House of Representatives (they also use this data to determine the size and area of these districts).

No, they didn't include the question about legal residency because those that are not legal wont actually fill it out and return it. So I suppose this isn't the perfect time to find out how many illegal aliens are in the country.

No Glenn, don't be completely asinine, they can't use this information to take away your gun permit. The information in the census is information that you have already provided in order to legally own a firearm. This means that they already know who you are and where you live if you have a permit to own. Now... if you don't have the gun legally, that is different. But I still don't see how they could know that you have the illegal weapon from the questions in the survey, so they STILL can't use the census as a "loophole" to take away the gun.

Instead of trying to stir up trouble over something that has been done for centuries and has done little to no harm, try actually reporting the freaking news. I know that GB is an "opinion" show, can you have some logic in there somewhere? I mean, how did Glenn make the "logic leap" from "there are 3 people that live in this home" to "the government will take my gun"?

Each day I lose more faith in not only our politicians (there wasn't much to begin with) but our media are only a bunch of attention whores. They don't actually care about reporting anything worthwhile, only about what will get other brain dead people to watch. 5 minutes of thought would let you know that the census is FINE. Please for the love of all that is right in this world, fill out the census. If you choose not to, that is fine as well, so long as you have a logical reason for choosing not to. "I am lazy" works better than, "they will take my gun" or "they will know where I live."

1 comment:

Jesse Thorn said...

I didn't know he was freaking out about that! What an idiot! Frankly, I didn't see anything in the census when I filled it out that the gov didn't already have. I'm sure they can get my phone number, and address, and they already have my social security #. Why are people so dumb sometimes?!? The world may never know.