Thursday, November 13, 2008

why can't people keep their holidays in Chronological order?

I do not hate Christmas! i love Christmas. i just don't like Christmas while i am working on a Halloween costume or preparing for another holiday. take them in order. as they come people!

I just want everyone to stop neglecting Thanksgiving. it is one of the best holidays by far! we get to binge and then pass out on the couch watching football while women go out and shop. could there be a more relaxing holiday ever conceived...? possibly, but it would be difficult.

while i am on the topic of holidays... why is it that last year the Christmas tree in Central park was changed to 'holiday tree'? i know they said it was to be politically correct... but that makes no sense. If you are celebrating Christmas, then you should be Christian. if you celebrate it and are not Christian then you should understand that it is a Christian holiday and hence the 'Christ' in the name of the celebration and calling the tree a Christmas Tree. changing the name like that is like telling people to call the Menorah the 'Holiday Menorah' to avoid offending others... wtf? you know? lets just leave it alone. if you celebrate a holiday that is not of your faith then realize it will have tenets that you do not espouse.


Bags said...

Show Christmas how it feels. Start preparing for St. Patrics Day now!

Unknown said...

I think i just might.

Mishimmy said...

I pretty much said the same thing in my blog just last night! Great minds think alike my friend. :D