Monday, June 28, 2010

A good book... sorta...

I just finished reading "The Informers" by Bret Easton Ellis. First, it was hands down one of the most depressing books I have ever read. It left me so... disillusioned with the the human character. It makes me want to rage at the moral bankruptcy that is portrayed in the pages. I have never read a book so devoid of hopelessness! "Lord of the Flies" and "Frankenstein" have always been at the top of my list for books that display human nature in real detail... now I have to add this book.

While I found the later books to have a protagonist that gives a positive spin on human nature, "The Informers" leaves me with a feeling of udder hopelessness. There is no character in this book that is not completely hollow and empty. I feel huge amounts of sadness for these people, that have everything that money could ever provide - yet they have nothing of real meaning. And that is the precise reason that I feel this book has affected me. I recognize what is meaningful and productive in my life. I am immensely grateful that I randomly grabbed this book.

If any readers have read this, let me know what you thought as well.

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