Wednesday, September 9, 2009

back to misused/overly used words.

"Crisis" is a word that should be used in its proper time and place. Hurricane Katrina=Crisis, complete financial meltdown of Lehman bros.=Crisis, the current "state" of health-care in the US= troubling, but NOT a crisis.

This is not to say that we couldn't improve the system. I am simply trying to help people see that it isn't a crisis at this point. We don't have catastrophic casualties, and while costs are mounting, when they are seen with inflation they aren't "spiraling out of control." Frankly, if you want to improve the health system and lower your costs, just be healthier. Stop eating fast food, and get some exercise for crying out! Those two things alone could probably save you countless dollars...

If you want some more tips, just ask anyone other than a politician.

1 comment:

brandonjw said...

Yes, ask anyone other than a politician, because they are so much more invested in maintaining their own power and office that they are slow to act on reason.

We should oppose ANY legislation that supposedly must be pushed through now! That should be a red flag to us.