Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earthquakes are awesome!

I just want to say that the 5.4 earthquake today was awesome. here is the reason why. i was on the 27th floor of the Wells Fargo building in downtown LA. that building is on rollers and so it just swayed back and forth like a tree in the wind. that is all. I want to say that being blessed to be in America where the buildings are engineered in such a superb fashion, is what makes earthquakes awesome.

I also know that if this same strength earthquake had happened in a less developed country it would have been seen as a disaster! but for So Cal... it was back to work as usual in about 20 minutes. it kind of left me with a disappointed feeling. kinda like the kid who hears that a blizzard is coming, but wakes up and is told that school still isn't cancelled.

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