Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama says we aren't quiters.

I think he is wrong though. cause we have become a nation of whiners and french people. we are becoming more and more the European socialists that we used to mock and revile. we used to mock them because they still relied on a sense of 'monarchy' or 'class' that was supposed to help those that were less fortunate. those that couldn't do it themselves. those that had would provide for those that didn't. well after hundreds of years, we can see how well that has worked. America on the other hand, said 'eff that! give us your tired, your hungry, your poor. we will do it ourselves. we will be bankers, we will be steel barons, we will be presidents, we will be generals, we will be business leaders, scientists and scholars. we don't need an aristocratic class to tell us what to do or to help us.'

THAT is what made America great. that is why the rest of the world didn't and doesn't like us. because we pointed out that we don't need them. we are self sufficient. we are tough SOB's and can do whatever we want. we are capable. we are stalwart. when a European factory worker saw his boss drive off in the nice car he would say 'i want to bomb that car.' when the American worker see's it, he says: ' i am going to have a car like that some day.' at least that is what we used to be like... now we have huge bail outs, massive government debt and spending. (do you that read my blog realize that we spend $1.42 for every $1 of tax revenue brought in? we are increasing our deficit by 42% a year!) when did our beloved Democracy become a Socialist regime? but, you know... the problem with Socialism, is that eventually you run out of other peoples money.

Friday, February 20, 2009

monkeys and other animals

i love monkeys, actual monkeys, mind you, not necessarily chimps. but chimps are cool too. Gorillas are complete BAMFs. i love Pumas (which should be interpreted as Lions and Tigers and all 'Great Cats.' or even easier, any cat that is capable of severely incapacitating a large animal or human). i love Polar bears and Grizzly bears. one day in the Millennium (provided i live that long) i will wrestle with a Polar bear. they are so freaking awesome. lastly i love sharks. especially the ones that jump out of the water to eat seals. no one can say that isn't the most spectacular display of awesomeness in the aquatic animal kingdom. all these animals are amazing because they are very powerful and dominate their individual areas of the animal kingdom.

what was the point of that paragraph, you ask? it wandered, and was loosely written, you say? here is my point. they are all wild animals and shouldn't be bought or 'owned' ever. i think anyone that wants to attempt to domesticate them needs to accept the consequences that come with domesticating animals. dogs didn't just magically become 'man's best friend.' that was centuries of work people. if you want a chimp to be your friend you might want to be its friend first. cause it can tear your arm from its socket and beat you to death with it, and it wont even break a sweat!

stop being mad at the animal and start wondering at the people. i love animals too... but i still don't want to play with any of them until AFTER a 'millennial reign of peace...'

Friday, February 13, 2009

saving money the bass ackward way

California has a HUGE budget deficit. one of the biggest of all time.

here is part of their solution.

have all the State employee's stay home every other Friday. does this help ease traffic congestion? absolutely. i can attest to this. the train was practically deserted and my office mate said he got into the office in only 20 minutes today instead of the usual 45 minutes. (i am sure this is due in part to the holiday weekend as well).

but by not paying the employee's one day less each pay period save money? NO, it doesn't ACTUALLY save any money. all the projects are still being worked, they are just taking longer now. NOTE TO CALIFORNIA: this means that these projects are COSTING MORE.

now i don't have all the solutions (though i often express the opinion that i do), but the best one i can see is spend LESS then you BRING IN. that seems to work for most people. the people that followed that advice are still doing rather well, despite the recession and crappy economy.

here is another one if that one is out of the State's reach. privatize some of it. the DMV would be a great example of something that would work WAY better if it was private. look what happened to public transportation once it went private! buses were on time, they went more places, and the employee's were payed better and had better compensation packages. if the DMV went private, the long line would disappear, i wouldn't be annoyed at the RETARDED people that work there (they would be fired for incompetence), and it would bring in revenue to both the State and the private company.

there let's try that one...